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The studio remains a sanctuary of creativity until the masterpiece comes to life.

The artist's vision unfolds gracefully until the creation reaches its final form.

The exhibition of works by Katsura Suzuki (Rie) at Mütschi Retirement Home

We are delighted to announce the exhibition of works by Katsura Suzuki (Rie) at Mütschi Retirement Home. 

Exhibition Details:

Date: 6 September 2024 - 26 January 2025
Location: Mütschi Retirement Home, Hinterbergstrasse 3, 6318 Walchwil
Opening Hours: Daily from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  • 6 September 2024 Vernissage (evening)

  • 26 January 2025 Finissage (noon)

Be trendy! Creative 3d pink and blue with gold stripes spheres on light blue background Ab

Exhibition FORM & FARBE

Altstadthalle Zug, 11-14 April 2024

 Vielen Dank für das Betrachten der Ausstellungswerke.
Ich schenke Ihnen einen handgefertigten Origami-Kranich mit meinem herzlichen Dank. In Japan symbolisieren Kraniche Glück und Langlebigkeit, und es gibt eine Legende, dass das Falten von Kranichen Wünsche wahr werden lässt.

Thank you for viewing the artwork, I offer you a handcrafted origami crane with my heartfelt gratitude. In Japan, cranes symbolize happiness and longevity, and there's a legend that folding cranes can make wishes come true.


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